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"The North wind doth blow, And we shall have snow"...

And the North wind did blow and we have snow once more, blanketing the thawed areas under the trees and the gravel around the house where we had pathways to walk and drive. The birds are hunkered down, hoping we have more suet to put out as they have once again decimated the offerings. The blue jays now have a nickname of 'flying pigs' because they just gorge on the suet. However, the flickers, chickadees, and nuthatches find the gaps and get their feeding in as well. But we are now down to one block, having forgotten to pick up more on our last trip into town. It's 13 miles one way to the garden store and when we have a winter storm nobody really wants to go out. This time we were very lucky. We might have received four inches or so, with some of it drifting and blowing with snow devils whirling around in the wind gusts. But overall, we got rain for almost 18 hours before the dropping temperatures brought the snow. I sat indoors all weekend while it drizzled and then raine

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